Corporate social 

Our Corporate Social Responsibility-CSR philosophy is based on ethical principles, taking into account the internal and external relationships with the parties with which we develop our business activities.

The main objective of Celmec’s CSR is for the company to adopt an active and responsible stance regarding the impact of our processes. There must be a balance between economic growth, social welfare and the care of natural resources and the environment.

Social responsibility seeks a greater commitment of workers to the objectives and mission of Celmec, to provide itself with a trained and healthy workforce, maintaining a clean environment, optimizing the use of inputs and reduction of waste in each project we carry out.

Our corporate social commitment to the environment, where Celmec develops its projects, covers topics such as:

  • The optimization of natural resources
  • Management of waste and chemicals
  • The training and awareness of our collaborators

We are aware that promoting health is a fundamental part of the country’s human, economic and social development; so we care about carrying out informational, preventive and educational campaigns on specific topics such as:

  • Preventive health days
  • Health and nutrition briefings
  • Sporting events

Currently, our main facilities have solar energy production contributing to the reduction of atmospheric emissions and a wastewater treatment system minimizing the effects of environmental pollution.

Based on this policy, we focus our efforts so that sustainability is part of our day to day and our business strategy, thus contributing to the improvement of the environment and society, while taking care of our shareholders’ investments and seeking to maximize profitability.